When creating a Sync for integrating with our software there are specific API keys or personalized Tokens that may be required when creating a Sync.
Below are the required credentials for setting up syncs with specific companies:
- Event ID
- API key
Yourmembership requirements
- Private Key
- Sa Passcode
- YM Event ID(s)
Eventbrite participants
- Your personal OAuth Token
- EventBrite Event ID
Eventbrite Sessions
- Your personal OAuth Token
- EventBrite Event ID
Googlesheets Participants
- Spreedsheet ID
Eventsquid Participants
- Organization API Key
- Event ID(s)
Configio Participants
- API Token
Pathable Participants
- API Token
- Community ID
Pathable Sessions
- API Token
- Community ID
Pathable Scans
- API Token
- Community ID
Swapcard Participants
- API Key
- Event ID
Swapcard Sessions
- API Key
- Event ID
Marketo Participants
- Marketo URL
- Marketo Client ID
- Client Secret for Marketo Account
- ID for a specific list to add Marketo attendees to
- A comma separated list of domains to not sync. Example: test.com,example.com.gtrnow.com
Hubspot Participants
- Hubspot API Key
Pardot Participants
- Pardot Url